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In 2015 I knew almost nothing about coding. Today, I’m a software engineer and a teacher at a code school for kids.

在2015年,我对编码几乎一无所知。 今天,我是一名软件工程师,还是一所代码学校的儿童老师。

When people find out I work as an engineer, they often ask, “How can I get a job as a software engineer coming from a nontraditional background?”


Well, you can’t get more nontraditional than me. I was homeschooled growing up, and I’m a college dropout.

好吧,你不能比我得到更多非传统的东西。 我从小就在家里上学,并且是大学辍学生。

When I dropped out, I signed with an agency and modeled for fashion brands. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, but my sister was a software engineer and she loved it. So one day, I took Udacity’s “Intro to Computer Science” course. And I loved it. Coding became my biggest passion.

当我退学时,我与一家代理商签约,并以时尚品牌为模特。 我不知道自己想做什么,但我姐姐是一位软件工程师,她喜欢它。 因此,有一天,我参加了Udacity的“计算机科学入门”课程。 我喜欢它。 编码成为我最大的热情。

I knew I would become a software engineer. I also knew it might be the hardest thing I ever did. But I resolved to see it through. I was going to make this happen.

我知道我会成为一名软件工程师。 我也知道这可能是我做过的最难的事情。 但我决心将其通透。 我本打算做到这一点。

If you love to code, and keep working toward your goal of becoming a developer, you will get there — no matter where you come from.


Here’s how I did it.


找出如何最好地学习。 (Figure out how you learn best.)

After months of teaching myself to code, I knew I needed that next step, so I applied to several coding bootcamps. Yet I realized that I learn best not by studying more, but by working and solving real problems.

经过几个月的自学代码学习,我知道我需要下一步,因此我申请了一些编码训练营。 但是我意识到,学习最好的不是学习更多,而是解决和解决实际问题。

Figuring out how I learn most efficiently was a huge help. For you, maybe you need to immerse yourself fully at a bootcamp, or take a part-time online program. For me, I realized I would learn best by learning on my own and then jumping headfirst into an engineering internship.

弄清楚我如何最有效地学习是一个巨大的帮助。 对于您来说,也许您需要将自己完全融入训练营,或者参加兼职在线课程。 对我来说,我意识到我将最好的学习方法是自己学习,然后直接进入工程实习。

But… how could I get one?


建立您的投资组合和个人品牌。 (Build your portfolio and personal brand.)

I built a front-end developer portfolio that showcased the skills I had built. I focused on vanilla JavaScript, HTML, CSS and responsive design. I wanted to start an internship, but had no degree or experience. So I enrolled in Praxis, a program that places young people into apprenticeships at startups. But Praxis focuses on marketing and sales roles, and I was determined to become an engineer. So, I decided to find myself an engineering internship and use Praxis to help me build my personal brand to increase my chances of being hired.

我建立了一个前端开发人员产品组合,展示了我所构建的技能。 我专注于香草JavaScript,HTML,CSS和响应式设计。 我想开始实习,但没有学位或经验。 因此,我参加了Praxis计划,该计划使年轻人进入初创公司的学徒期。 但是Praxis专注于市场和销售职位,因此我决心成为一名工程师。 因此,我决定为自己找到一名工程实习生,并使用Praxis帮助我建立个人品牌,以增加被录用的机会。

My mom, an entrepreneur and brand expert, encouraged me to blog about coding, speak at meetups, start a YouTube channel, and continue to build my GitHub portfolio.


I kept sharing what I was learning about. Eventually, when you Googled me you could immediately see that I was passionate about coding.

我一直在分享我所学到的东西。 最终,当您用Google搜索我时,您会立即看到我对编码充满热情。

Google yourself. What do you see?

Google自己。 你看到了什么?

使您的非传统背景成为优势,而不是劣势。 (Make your nontraditional background a strength, not a weakness.)

At first, I didn’t want to highlight just how nontraditional my background was. I feared I already stuck out enough just being a female programmer, let alone someone without a CS background. Then my mom said, “Own who you are. Use your previous experiences as a strength.”

起初,我不想强​​调我的背景是多么非传统。 我担心我只是作为一名女程序员就已经足够突出了,更不用说没有CS背景的人了。 然后我妈妈说:“你是谁。 充分利用您以前的经验。”

For my first dev internship, I made it clear I would help out the startup in any way that I could. I talked about the variety of other skills I had picked up way back when I worked for my mom’s company, and how I could utilize those skills while I was also growing into the role of junior developer.

我的第一个开发实习,我清楚我会助阵启动以任何方式,我可以。 我谈到了我在妈妈的公司工作时所学到的其他各种技能,以及我成长为初级开发人员时如何利用这些技能。

I didn’t just try to be an engineering intern. The first week of my internship, I did anything from uploading YouTube videos to writing code to making copy changes.

我不仅试图成为一名工程实习生。 实习的第一周,我做了很多事情,从上传YouTube视频到编写代码到更改副本。

For many startups, they want people who are hungry to learn and get things done — not just code monkeys. What skills from your previous career can you utilize to make yourself valuable, not just as a developer but as a member of the team?

对于许多初创公司而言,他们希望饥饿的人学习和完成事情-不仅仅是编写猴子。 您不仅可以作为开发人员,而且可以作为团队成员,利用从以前的职业中获得的哪些技能来使自己变得有价值?

A few months into my internship, the company’s CEO, Bryan, sent me a Slack message. “Madison, we want you to work for us.”

在我实习的几个月后,该公司的首席执行官布莱恩(Bryan)向我发送了一条Slack消息。 “麦迪逊,我们希望您为我们工作。”

I was promoted to junior developer. For the first time, I was getting paid to code.

我被提升为初级开发人员。 第一次,我获得了编写代码的报酬

使用仇恨者来推动你前进。 (Use the haters to push you forward.)

Many times, when I told someone I was working towards being an engineer, they would look at me and say, “You? An engineer? Are you sure?”

很多时候,当我告诉某人我正在努力成为一名工程师时,他们会看着我说:“ 呢? 一个工程师? 你确定吗?”

For awhile this frustrated me. Then I realized that I wasn’t going to let what anyone said stop me. Each time I heard those comments, I went home and started coding. I used the haters as fuel to keep pushing myself towards my goal.

有一阵子让我感到沮丧。 然后我意识到我不会让任何人所说的阻止我。 每次听到这些评论,我都会回家并开始编码。 我以仇恨为动力,不断将自己推向目标。

People will always tell you that you can’t do it. When you ignore what they say and just keep going, you develop a trust in yourself and a determination that becomes unstoppable.

人们总是会告诉你你做不到。 当您无视他们所说的话而继续前进时,您就会对自己产生信任,并且这种决定变得势不可挡。

On the other hand, having a support system who believes you can do it is immensely helpful. I couldn’t have become an engineer without the support of my family.

另一方面,拥有一个相信您可以做到的支持系统会非常有帮助。 没有家人的支持,我不可能成为一名工程师。

保持编码。 (Just keep coding.)

Getting that first junior developer position was the toughest and most rewarding thing I’ve done. If you focus on your love of code and just keep pushing forward, you will get there. No matter where you’re coming from.

获得第一个初级开发人员职位是我做过的最艰难和最有意义的事情。 如果您专注于对代码的热爱并不断前进,那么您将到达那里。 无论您来自哪里。

So what are you waiting for? Let’s code!

那你还在等什么? 让我们编码吧!

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